If you follow our social media closely , you will probably notice that we have undergone a transformation. And if you haven't had the opportunity to see SocialCube in its new version yet , you will learn everything from this article! So, ready for a journey through our (r)evolution? Why did we decide to change? Before we describe the entire process of rearranging our brand, it is worth telling us what prompted us to do it.
The SocialCube brand was created over 2 years ago, so it was not a matter of an DB to Data outdated logo or a desire to refresh it. We were motivated to take action by the desire to structure our organizational goals and strategy. And when creating a new strategy, we had to ask ourselves a very important question - who are we and where are we going? This reflection led to many further questions, including: how we want to be perceived by customers and what brand image we would like to identify with as employemaj-hołub.

Maja Hołub Tags: Content , Content Marketing , Copywriting , Social Media , Social Media How to skillfully publish content on social media? There is no ready-made recipe for this, but you can follow a few basic rules to create effective posts that will be eagerly read and positively received. Creating the perfect post is an art. et users. Their length, sentence structure, appropriately selected graphics, language used, and even the time of publication are important.