Condition their obtaining in exchange for contact details. downloaded your content and quickly identify their needs. This content helps maximize the conversion rate on your website by transforming visitors into leads. As a SaaS solution, you can easily offer a demonstration of your solution on the problem that affects your prospect. SaaS Publishers: Don’t forget to promote your content Is your content online? Well done ! You are 50% of the way there.
Indeed, one of the main mistakes companies make is creating Phone Number Data excellent content and… not talking about it. Promotion is an essential step in the content marketing strategy. To maximize the visibility of your content, their presence on your website is not sufficient. Here are some methods to make your content stand out: Focus on SEO : unsurprisingly, natural referencing is at the top of the list of content promotion methods. Remember to optimize your pages and apply good SEO practices : URL, title and metadescription including the main keyword of the page, Hn including the main lexical field of the page, etc.

Go viral via LinkedIn : particularly effective for BtoB, communication on LinkedIn can bring you many visitors. Don't hesitate to create original and ultra-targeted posts that will arouse the interest of your contacts and encourage them to click on your article. You can also rely on your collaborators to distribute the content of your website to their network. Provide your news via a monthly newsletter : have your prospects missed your LinkedIn posts? Don't worry, the newsletter allows you to reach another audience and above all to maintain the interest of your prospects.