Your marketing funnel. That includes. Top-of-funnel content to build awareness and attract a new audience. Educational content to support those in the consideration stages. Content that creates a top-notch customer experience when they decide to convert. Discover more ways to grow your business this March and beyond with our easy-to-use growth strategy template. Get clear about who.s in your audience So, what do these people moving through your marketing funnel look like. The best marketing content speaks directly to your audience and their needs—and you can.t do that if you don.t know who your audience is. That.s where research comes in.
Look at your current customers. What characteristics do they share. Can you send them a survey or conduct interviews to understand why they chose to do business with you. march content ideas - screenshot of audience survey Iceland Phone Number In this example, the project management tool ClickUp invites users to submit feedback and feature requests on its site. Knowing who your current customers are and how they act, think, and feel can help you create content that will speak to others like them. Start defining your content needs At this point in the process, you can begin looking at how to create content to speak to your ideal customer and serve your business objectives.

Are there gaps in that content. Are there pieces that could be repurposed, refreshed, or otherwise spruced up or repackaged for your needs. What else can you create to complement or enhance your existing content. This is a great place to undertake some competitive research and see if there are opportunities for you to own a specific search term or fill a content gap left by your competitors. Home in on content types and ideas Once you.ve done all of this work upfront, you can get specific about your March content ideas. Now.s the time to brainstorm different types of content. march content ideas - content marketing funnel chart Returning to the example of the sales