These could be entrepreneurs who are successful in their business, or specialists who have realized themselves in their chosen direction. Several well-paying jobs in Despite all of the above, a salary of about , rubles a month seems unattainable to many men, especially in the regions. But in the modern world, such income is quite real. Discover the exciting world of IT! Study with a discount of up to and get a modern profession with a guarantee of employment. The first month is free.
Choose a program right now and become a sought-after Australia WhatsApp Number Data specialist. Below are statistics on vacancies and their corresponding salaries based on approximate data. Marketer . A marketer earns about thousand a month, depending on his professional experience and his abilities. In Moscow, such a specialist can earn much more – up to thousand rubles. easily. Targetologist . The average salary of a targetologist is about , rubles. Some companies offer salaries from to thousand rubles per month.

Financier. Pay for a financier usually starts at , rubles. Financial managers can earn an income of up to , rubles, and directors earn over thousand rubles per month. IT specialist . The average salary of such an employee is , rubles. Highly qualified professionals can earn about thousand rubles and even more. Programmer . There are several informal criteria that will in any case affect your income level: work experience, mastered programming language, and others.