Efficient, effective and which allows you to achieve the same sales, social and commercial objectives as a year ago: we are talking about the introduction of a digital strategy into your business model. From B2B fair to digital: changing the means for the same objectives Is it really possible today for a B2B company to adopt a digital strategy that allows it to acquire and engage new customers effectively.
As happened in the pre-Covid era, without trade fairs, events and traditional commercial contacts? Our answer, perhaps a little provocative, is that if a company invested even half of what it invested in trade fairs, trips, lunches C Level Contact List and dinners in digital, it would obtain even more than before. What we often see, however, is that many companies, when presenting themselves to the customer.
Suggest not looking at their website because it is not updated. In fact, companies are aware that their site does not represent them adequately and often other digital touchpoints are not used to support communication. Extera has over twenty years of experience in supporting B2B companies in the process of analyzing their web presence. It is necessary for the company to present itself online correctly.